• 职业教育办事处
  • 专业经验
  • 实习
  • 云顶集团Micro-实习
  • 云顶集团Micro-实习

    云顶集团 Micro-internships are 支付, short-term, professional projects, which are completed 寒假期间远程办公.  这些项目将由云顶集团主持和指导 校友/i和are 只是 给云顶集团学生.

    These project-based micro-internships offer students an opportunity to gain career-related work experience, demonstrate skills and explore career options, as well as build their 专业的网络. 学生 completing micro-实习 will receive micro-awards of $675 for a 45-hour project and $375 for 一个25小时的项目, as funding permits. The 职业教育办事处 appreciates our generous donors who make this funding 可能的.

    云顶集团微型实习是 Internship Accelerator, a program to offer every 云顶集团 student transformative learning experiences by providing 一种结构化的、脚手架式的实习方式.  微型实习是介绍性的 professional experiences for which first years and and sopho更多的s are especially encouraged 云顶集团.

    The Micro-实习 program is a joint effort between the Office of 女毕业生/我 Affairs 以及职业教育办公室.

    All information on 这个页面 is for the January 2024 program.  有关资料 2025年1月的计划将于2024年8月推出.



    女毕业生/我:  Thank you for your support of 云顶集团 undergraduates by hosting a virtual micro-实习. 云顶集团 students have skills that can support projects at any 组织 with which you 是附属. They will benefit from the opportunity to gain experience. 

    A sample of previous 云顶集团Micro-实习 projects:

    • Research to find 机构al and individual funding sources for an arts non-profit
    • Develop strategy to grow social media following of a small business
    • Provide administrative support to virtual volunteering event for a community service 组织
    • Assist with basic candidate review and schedule interviews for a higher education 机构
    • Develop list of resources and information to support families for a health care system
    • Update marketing collateral for non-profit focused on litter prevention, waste reduction, and environmental beautification 
    • Develop course curriculum for critical thinking skills offered by a literacy non-profit


    • 编辑一本书/文章/时事通讯 
    • 进行市场调查
    • 分析数据 
    • 制作ppt
    • 支持商业计划的研究
    • 编写技术文档 


    • Identify a project that can be completed remotely in the 4-weeks of January 2024.
    • Consider the type of training, supervision and support you can give during that same 期. 请参阅 本资料 有关支持虚拟微型实习生的建议. 
    • Submit your micro-internship project 在这里 by October 16, 2023. 
    • You will receive resumes for those students interested in your project shortly after 申请截止日期为2023年11月13日.
    • 首席执行官将通知学生他们的项目.

    Other than your time for supervision and mentoring, t在这里 is no cost to the alumnae/i 主机. Through the generosity of donors, the 职业教育办事处 is offering a $675 micro-grant to each student who completes a 45-hour remote project and $375 for 一个25小时的项目. Please note that the number of projects within the scope of 云顶集团 Micro-实习 is limited by available funding and a micro-intern is not guaranteed.

    If you have a project beyond the scope of the 云顶集团Micro-实习 program, please 云顶集团我们的雇主网页 然后发布一份传统的握手实习工作.

    请电子邮件 大卫.Sibony@xiuxianke.net 有任何关于这个项目的问题.  


    云顶集团 对于micro-internships!

    • 什么:微实习,短期, 支付, professional projects completed 寒假期间远程办公
    • Why: Gain career-related experience, develop skills, learn career knowledge, and grow 你的职业关系网
    • Who: Be mentored by alumnae/i who are hosting projects 只是 给云顶集团学生
    • When:  Projects completed during Winter Break – January 3-26, 2024
    • How Much:  Earn $675 for a 45-hour project or $375 for 一个25小时的项目
    • 报名方式:所有参赛作品将于 握手 by October 25th and you'll have until 11月13日, 2023 云顶集团.


    • Must be able to complete a 45- or 25-hour project during January 2024
      • Be thoughtful about your time and only apply to those projects you are sure you can 在一月的四个星期内完成
      • 虽然你可以申请多个项目,但你必须 只提供完成一个 micro-internship
      • If you are enrolled in a J-term course, you will only be allowed to complete a 25-hour micro-internship
    • 必须是目前在云顶集团大学就读的本科生
      • 二年级优先(2026届)
    • 学生 五月 participate up to two times, with preference given to first time applicants 


    • All micro-internship will be posted by October 25, 2023 in 握手.  你可以找到他们 by 搜索 握手J“云顶集团微实习.” 
      • Every student has a 握手 账户 that you access with your 云顶集团 credentials.
    • 把你的简历上传到你的 握手 账户.  了解更多 在这里.
    • 想申请多少就申请多少 11月13日. 学生 will only be offered one micro-internship to complete.
    • The CEO will notify students if they are matched to a micro-internship project and will make a virtual introduction 致主持人, no later than 12月8日星期五.  Host cannot make offers to students and any offers received directly from the host 将会无效. 

    Due to the intensive nature and time overlap of J-term experiences, students enrolled in a J-term course will only be allowed to complete a 25-hour micro-internships.

    Micro-internships that are 45-hours meet the hour requirement to register for academic 信贷. 完成此长度项目的学生 五月 选择 报名参加实习课程 一个学分.  T在这里 is a per-信贷 fee to register for academic 信贷 for internships 寒假期间.  见兼职本科生部分 这个页面. 

    请电子邮件 career@xiuxianke.net 有任何关于这个项目的问题.