• 教师
  • 马克英格拉姆
  • 马克英格拉姆


    马克·英格拉姆是法国跨国研究教授. 他在N大学获得博士学位.Y.U. is a joint degree in cultural anthropology and French studies. 在这些之间移动 two fields has remained important to his scholarship and his teaching, which includes courses on French language, French and francophone societies and cultures,和 欧洲人类学(SOA 238). 他的法语专题课程(FR 358, FR 433) explore aspects of cultural change in the francophone world through consideration of new perspectives from artists, scholars, journalists, and others (including cooks 和其他烹饪专家!). 一般来说,他的研究涉及政治 艺术,如他的第一本书(共和国仪式. ‘Citizens theatre’ and the politics of culture in southern France). He has helped organize on-campus residencies for French theatre artists. He also enjoys teaching about French food and cooking, both on campus and during study abroad 在国外短期强化课程(FR 272Y).



    马赛在我最近的研究中占有重要地位. 与凯瑟琳·克莱平格, 我编辑 马赛马赛克. 位于文化交汇处的地中海城市 (Berghahn, 2023), an interdisciplinary volume drawing on anthropology, sociology, geography, art history, and cinema studies, among other fields. 这本书探讨了 the history and contemporary creativity shaping this fascinating city and its own distinctive approach to the waves of immigrants, refugees, and repatriates that have 重塑后殖民时代的欧洲. 书中有一章是我与Dr. 丽贝卡 Free (Theatre) about the public outreach work of Marseillais theatres. 我现在的 research examines environmental urbanism in Marseille through a focus on activist arts projects that integrate social justice and ecological concerns.



    2023年(与凯瑟琳·克莱平格合编) 马赛马赛克. 位于文化交汇处的地中海城市Berghahn出版社出版.

    2011年(民族志专著) 共和国仪式. ‘Citizens theatre’ and the politics of culture in southern France. 多伦多大学出版社.


    2023年(与凯瑟琳·克莱平格合作. 马赛马赛克” 马赛马赛克. 位于文化交汇处的地中海城市, eds. M. 英格拉姆,K. Kleppinger, Berghahn出版社,页. 1-26.

    2023年(与丽贝卡·弗里) “The Outreach Work of Marseillais Theatres 我爱你” in 马赛马赛克. 位于文化交汇处的地中海城市, eds. M. 英格拉姆,K. Kleppinger, Berghahn出版社,页. 250-71.

    2021 "Bridges and Fault Lines in the Mediterranean City: Neighbourhood Memory in an 马赛的城市漫步” Urban Bridges, Global Capital(s): Trans-Mediterranean Francosphères, eds. Claire Launchbury and Megan MacDonald, Liverpool University Press, pp. 135-154.


    2024  “Marseille: Diversity Beyond the Myths” (with Kathryn Kleppinger), States. Villa Albertine的《云顶集团》, #2, pp. 97-104.

    2022“寻求交集”琵琶的汇聚"在马赛被占领的剧院里" 氯氟化碳十字路口. Vol. 第1期,第1页. 101-18.

    2019 (Review Essay) “An Anthropology of the Contemporary in France”, a review of Sophie 骑士,艾德., 十字路口的人类学:来自法国的观点 (英国:肖恩·金斯顿出版社,2015) 法国政治、文化 & Society, Vol. 37, No. 3、冬季:108-122.

    2018 (with 丽贝卡 Free) “Collaborative Mapping to Enhance Local Engagement and Interdisciplinary 短期海外学习项目对话”, 国际人文与艺术计算杂志. 第12卷第1期,第5-14页.

    2016 "Emplacement and the politics of heritage in low-income neighborhoods of Marseille" in 国际遗产研究杂志, Vol. 22 No.2月/ 3月,pp. 117-130.        

    2010 “Promoting Europe through 'Unity in Diversity': Avignon as European Capital of 文化在2000年 欧洲人类学学会杂志, Vol. 第10期,第1页. 14-25.

    2009 “The Artist and the City in ‘Euro-Mediterranean’ Marseille: Redefining State Cultural Policy in an Era of Transnational Governance” in 城市与社会:《云顶集团》 城市人类学, Vol. 第21期,第2页. 268-92.

    2005 “Recasting the Language Requirement through 出国留学: A cultural immersion 在阿维尼翁的节目”, 外语年鉴夏季,卷. 38, No. 2, pp. 211-222.


    2023年(与丽贝卡·弗里) Trétaux dans le Massif: Circulations et mobilités professionnelles théâtrales en province des lumi la Belle Époque by Cyril Triolaire, Clermont-Ferrand: Presses universitaires Blaise Pascal (2022), in H-France审查 Vol. 第23(11月)号. 186, 1-5.

    2021 冒险的资本. 移民与巴黎非洲中心的形成 朱莉·克莱曼著. 加州大学出版社(2019),in 当代法国文明, 46, (1), 113–116.

    2018 Aesthetic Citizenship: Immigration and Theater in Twenty-First-Century Paris, 作者:Emine fi (2017) in 现代语言笔记, 133(5):1427-1431.

    会议论文 & 小组参与


    2024年(与丽贝卡·弗里)Marseille: laboratory of new artistic perspectives on the environment?20日和20日 21st Century French and Francophone Studies International Colloquium, Philadelphia, Feb. 23.

    2023 (with Kathryn Kleppinger) 马赛马赛克: A Mediterranean City at the Crossroads of Cultures Discussants: Sylvaine Guyot, William Poulin-Deltour, NYU Institute of 法语研究,10月. 16.

    2023  “马赛马赛克“法国和美国的圆桌会议.S. 贡献者(K. Kleppinger, E. 平底小渔船,. Bousmah F. Lextrait, J-C Sevin, N. Maisetti V. Geisser和T. 谢泼德. MucemLab (research center at the Mucem: Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisations), 马赛,6月21日.

    2022 “Reconfiguring urban landscapes in Marseille through arts-centered environmental activism”, in panel (European Activisms And Arts) for the American Anthropological 美国汽车协会年会,西雅图,11月10日.

    2019 (with 丽贝卡 Free) “Temporal interventions: public space and the everyday in site-specific theatre in 马赛” for panel “The City as a Work of Art: Examining Artistic Influences on Urban Transformation”, AAA Annual Meeting, Vancouver, 11月.

    2017 “The problems and promise of collaborative digital maps: exploring new modes of displaying 知识”, Society for Visual Anthropology Roundtable: “Visual Matters: The Role of anthropology in producing and analyzing visual material”, AAA Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 11月.

    2015 “Ethnographic autobiography and the performance of neighborhood identity in the quartiers nord of 马赛” in the “Vital Memories” Performance Studies Focus Group, Association for Theatre in Higher 教育 (ATHE) Conference, Montreal, July 29.

    2012 “Hearing the Mediterranean In Performance: The Politics of Street Theatre In 马赛”. Session: Sensing the Political: Materiality, Aesthetics, and Embodiment. AAA,旧金山,11月.  





    杂志编辑委员会 氯氟化碳十字路口

    Anonymous reviewing has included anthropology grant proposals for the 国家科学基金会,和 社会和文化研究基金 (Quebec Province Research Fund), a book manuscript for the 多伦多大学出版社,以及文章提交至 Anthropological Quarterly, American Ethnologist, 氯氟化碳十字路口, Contemporary French 文明, 欧洲城市与区域研究, 法国政治、文化 and Society, International Journal of Cultural Policy, International Journal of Heritage Studies, Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, and the 地中海研究杂志.