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  • 和平研究资源

    Jobs, Higher Education, and 资源 in 和平研究

    和平 & Justice Studies Association: This website offers an extensive collection of resources related to the peace field, including, but not limited to a school directory, job listings, list of academic journals in peace studies, teaching materials, and conference information.

    Baltimore College 和平 Network: This website is a resource for faculty and students of peace studies in the Greater 巴尔的摩地区. 

    除了棘手: This website collects links and resources on higher education in peace studies. 

    大卫J. 史密斯,法学博士,硕士This consultant provides a guide to both graduate and undergraduate peace studies and conflict resolution programs.

    PCDN - Guide to MA 程序: This website provides a guide to masters level programs in peace studies.

    PCDN - Ph指南.D. 程序: This website provides a guide to Ph.D. level programs in peace studies. 

    和平缔造者信任: This website offers a collection of resources and higher education programs in the dispute resolution, conflict transformation, peacework, humanitarian practice, and peace and conflict fields. 

    理想主义者理想主义者 is a widely-used search engine for jobs, internships, graduate schools, and volunteering opportunities in the nonprofit world. 

    云顶集团CEO: Check out 云顶集团's 职业生涯教育 Office for helpful resources.

    University of Massachusetts Lowell 和平 and Conflict Studies: This website offers more general advice and ideas around peace studies opportunities 毕业后.

    OSU John Glenn College of Public Affairs: This document is a comprehensive guide to peace studies careers, including application procedures, sample employers, challenges in the profession, and further publications.

    PCDN -工作资源: This webpage provides a list of job resources in social change.

    服务一年This is a search engine for finding year-long paid service opportunities. 

    ProFellow: This is a search engine for finding fellowship opportunities. 

    Candid (Foundations Center): This website offers in depth research on nonprofits, foundations, and funding. 

    伊恩·M·哈里斯等. Global 目录 of 和平研究 and Conflict Resolution Programs. (Check out at the 云顶集团 图书馆).



    1. 艾伦和凯勒. 什么是公正的和平?
    2. 葆拉·巴纳吉. 和平政治中的女性 (South Asian 和平研究 series).
    3. 大卫Barash. Approaches to 和平: A Reader in 和平研究.
    4. 大卫Barash. Introduction to 和平研究.
    5. 巴拉什和韦贝尔. 和平 and Conflict Studies.
    6. 伊莉斯博尔丁. Cultures of 和平: The Hidden Side of History.
    7. 大卫Cortright. 和平: A History of Movements and Ideas.
    8. 伊丽莎白·米. Cousens. 和平building as Politics: Cultivating 和平 in Fragile Societies.
    9. 查尔斯Covell. Kant and the Law of 和平.
    10. 詹姆斯当通. The Persistent Activist: How 和平 Commitment Develops and Survives.
    11. W.E.B. 杜波依斯. 为和平而战.
    12. Grunewald / Dungen. Twentieth-Century 和平 Movements: Successes and Failures.
    13. 大卫J. 邓恩. The First Fifty Years of 和平 Research: A Survey and Interpretation.
    14. J. 威廉·弗罗斯特. A History of Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, and Muslim Perspectives on War and 和平.
    15. 约翰Galtung. 和平 by 和平ful Means: 和平 and Conflict, Development and Civilization.
    16. 约翰Galtung. 超越与转化.
    17. 罗纳德·Glossop. 面对战争.
    18. 沃尔特Homolka. Gate to Perfection: The Idea of 和平 in Jewish Thought.
    19. 查尔斯Howlett. History of the American 和平 Movement, 1890-2000: The Emergence of a New Scholarly 纪律.
    20. 蒂姆·雅各比. Understanding Conflict and Violence: Theoretical and Interdisciplinary Approaches.
    21. Ho-Won宋. 和平 and Conflict Studies: An Introduction.
    22. 路易斯·里斯博格. Constructive Conflicts: From Escalation to Resolution.
    23. 约翰·保罗·莱德拉奇. The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of 和平 Building.
    24. 约翰·保罗·莱德拉奇. Building 和平: Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies.
    25. 约翰·保罗·莱德拉奇. The Little Book of Conflict Transformation.
    26. 乔治. 洛佩兹. 和平研究: Past and Future. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and 社会科学.
    27. 乌苏拉奥斯瓦尔德. 和平研究 from a Global Perspective: Human Needs in a Cooperative World.
    28. 奥托和卢普顿. 给 和平 a Deadline: What Ordinary People Can Do to Cause World 和平 in Five Years.
    29. European Centre for Conflict Prevention, in cooperation with the International Fellowship of Reconciliation and the Coexistence Initiative of State of the World Forum. People Building 和平: 35 Inspiring Stories from Around the World.
    30. 奥利弗·里士满. The Transformation of 和平.
    31. 道格拉斯罗氏. The Human Right to 和平.
    32. Ranabir Samaddar. 和平研究 (South Asian 和平研究 series).
    33. 约瑟夫•斯蒂格利茨. The Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict.
    34. Strassen等人. 和平 Action: Past, Present and Future.
    35. 保罗可以同人. People building 和平 II: Successful Stories of Civil Society.
    36. 约翰一. 瓦斯奎兹和玛丽. Heneha. The Scientific Study of 和平 and War: A Text Reader.
    37. 韦贝尔和高尔顿. Handbook of 和平 and Conflict Studies.
    38. Kathleen Maas Weigert and Robin J. 工作人员. Teaching for Justice: Concepts and Models for Service-learning in 和平研究.
    39. Women's Studies Quarterly (95:3-4). Rethinking 和平研究/Women's Studies.